Camp made me who I am today, and I just love to be able to pass it on to these kids who appreciate it more than anyone else in the world.

Tatum Oliver

Together, we can make a difference

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Donations must be specifically made to the Experience Fund. Once clicking the “Give” button below, in the “Fund Name”, type in “Experience” and the Experience Fund will pop up!

Thank you!


What encourages people to come together? What increases relatability, which in turn starts conversations and true relationships? Shared experiences promote feelings of unity that create common interests, build background knowledge, encourage friendships and strengthens feelings of connectedness.

What if we felt more connected to those around us? What if, instead of looking at ourselves as ‘us’ and others as ‘them’, we started building the idea of ‘WE’? If we become involved with each other through shared experiences, similarities and differences may be celebrated and enjoyed. We begin to connect and relate to one another.